Do you want to know how much TV Britons will watch over Christmas? / RadiumOne Research

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Christmas TV viewing to near 300 million hours a day

TVs the mainstay of Christmas entertainment but 30% will use an internet device

John Lewis, Coke and M&S are brands most associated with Christmas

As the countdown to Bond films and seasonal specials begins, Britons are gearing up to watch a total of 296 million hours* of TV per day over the Christmas period.

According to new research from programmatic technology experts RadiumOne, Britons over 16 will watch an average of 5.7 hours of TV a day this Christmas across various screens, with a square-eyed one in five (21%) planning to spend over ten hours a day watching TV programmes.

Men (6.0 hours) will average more than women (5.3). TV viewing decreases with age – from 5.9 hours for 16-34s to 5.4 hours for people over 55. Regionally, people in the South-West will average the most (6.3), those in the East Midlands the least (5.1)

Over two thirds (67%) of us plan to watch more TV over the Christmas period than we do at other times of the year, with 25-34 year olds (82%) and those living in Wales (81%) and the North East (77%) the most likely to increase their usual viewing habits. Upping TV viewing increases with income, from 59% of people earning under £20,000 to 80% of those on at least £60,000.

John Lewis, Coke and M&S are brands most associated with Christmas

John Lewis (cited by 27% of respondents) narrowly pips Coca-Cola (26%) and Marks & Spencer (24%) as the brand people most closely associate with Christmas.

Women (32%) are much more likely than men (21%) to associate John Lewis and Christmas, as are 35-54 year olds (32%) and people in Wales (38%). Associating Coca-Cola with Christmas drops with age – from 36% of 16-34s to 16% of people 55+ – while it increases with age for M&S, from 16% of 16-34s to 28% of 55+’s. Regionally, association with Coca-Cola and Christmas is strongest in Yorkshire (36%), for M&S, it’s in the North East (35%).

Most associated brands with Christmas

Consequently, these brands hold the same podium places for the most anticipated Christmas TV ad – John Lewis (38%) ahead of Coca Cola (37%) and M&S (27%). Women (43%), those aged 35-44 (45%) and people in the West Midlands (50%) are most looking forward to John Lewis’ TV ad.

Internet devices play a big role in Christmas TV

Almost seven in 10 (68%) people say the TV set will be the only device on which they’ll watch TV over Christmas. However, 30% will use some form of connected device to watch TV; laptops (19%) being the most popular ahead of tablets (11%), desktop computers (10%) and smartphones (9%).

Christmas TV viewing by device

Mark Middlemas, RadiumOne’s Director of Communications
Limiting oneself to the TV set increases with age – from 36% of 16-24s to 88% of people over 65. Conversely, reliance on the TV set only decreases with income, from 75% of people earning less than £20,000 to 51% of those on at least £60,000.

Regionally, the North East (78%) will be the most reliant on just their TV set, whilst people in London (49%) will be the least reliant.

Multi-tasking will be popular, particularly amongst young people: seven in 10 (69%) tablet and smartphone owners expect to use these devices whilst watching Christmas TV, rising to 83% and 89%, respectively, of 16-24 year olds.

Online time rises due to Christmas

Nearly half (48%) of us will spend more time online over Christmas than we do the rest of the year. People aged 25-34 (67%) and those living in London (60%) are the most likely to up their internet use over Christmas.

"Gathering in front of the TV set is as much a part of the shared Christmas experience as the turkey dinner, presents and the tree,” says Mark Middlemas, RadiumOne’s Director of Communications. 

“However, digital technology is fundamentally changing TV behaviour and this part of the shared experience. Connected devices will play a major part in the huge amount of TV to be watched but will result in less of it happening as a group crowded round the TV set. Instead, we'll see Christmas TV increasingly consumed individually around smaller, more personal screens."


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