Christmas ads : "Making sure it’s their video that generates the most interest" / Holiday Hypermarket

For most brands, the Christmas campaign is crucial and as usual this year, the big guns have piled significant resources into making sure it’s their advert that generates the most interest. 

John Lewis went with the story of a little boy and his penguin pal, Sainsbury’s marked the centenary of World War I with their much discussed footie-playing soldiers, and Waitrose had us cheering on a determined young gingerbread maker.

These have all performed predictably well, but other brands have decided not to pull on the heartstrings with sentimental adverts, risking something a bit clever instead.

Here are three that we think are going to catch the nation’s funnybone. 

 1 We know it’s not big and it’s not clever to swear, but actually, sometimes it’s kind of hilarious, right? We love this advert from kings of the electric toothbrush, Oral B. All kinds of things go wrong for people innocently setting up their Christmas trees, pouring champers and wrapping presents and they can’t help letting out a tiny profanity.

Oral B have ensured it’s safe for work (though it may mildly shock the average granny) because all the swear words are actually beeped out, but despite that, or maybe because of it, we think viewers will find it really f*cking funny.

2 Most people prefer to stay at home in the UK at Christmastime, but there are always those desperate to take flight from the cold and enjoy a barbie on the beach, or chuck back a tipple or two in Mexico. Holiday Hypermarket is capitalising on winter travellers with an advertising offering based on the 12 days of Christmas.

It will be released in segments via email and social media on the run up to the big day, with the big finale of all 12 Days of a hapless tourist’s round the world adventures coming to a head on Christmas Eve.

Holiday Hypermarket
We decided to signal our intentions for the coming year by letting our hair down with a fun festive video. Hopefully it will put a smile on people’s faces and bring a bit of Christmas cheer

This could be the viral hit of Christmas, as audiences eagerly await the next instalment. Holiday Hypermarket marketing manager Ian Crawford certainly hopes so, commenting that if all goes well, they hope to make the campaign an annual fixture (you can read more about the campaign on their blog)

 3 Clothing brand Tu from Sainsbury’s points out that they have some great options in traditional Christmas jumpers with their fun ad, in which a crew of dads break out some, well, frankly awesome dance moves.

While their outfits, courtesy of the supermarket, may be everything you would expect from a bunch of middle aged fathers helping out with the school play, their performance is anything but predictable. Forget “dad dancing,” these guys have mastered dubstep! This one looks set to go viral too, with remixes available and options to download the featured sound track.

 What do you think, do these have even you laughing out loud and pressing share on Facebook? Or is best if brands stick with a less unexpected fare? If these ads get the right reaction from audiences, next Christmas we could be inundated with a slew of rib ticklers like this, with no sad faced children in sight.


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