New from Facebook - A 'Save Now - Read Later' option to readers / Via adconnection's blog


As a hugely successful, proven advertising model, marketers worldwide are investing millions in Facebook advertising.
Increasingly however, busy consumers are saying that the sheer volume of content on Facebook can lead to 'information overload', potentially deterring them from clicking on ads while browsing.
Encouragingly, the social network's newest feature, 'Save', looks likely to overcome this mentality, offering an easy solution to users who are too busy or distracted to consume each piece of content at leisure.

'Save' is essentially a bookmarking tool, allowing browsers to save any piece of content encountered on their News Feed, where it is then sorted and stored by category in a folder on the side bar, ready for access at any time.

Users who don't revisit their Saved folder frequently enough may receive a 'reminder' in their News Feed, which is great for marketers eager to give potential customers that extra nudge towards purchase.
At present, the 'Save' option is being trialled on a small group of users, but will be rolled out across Mobile (iOS, Android) and Desktop soon.
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