Beyond 50 : Half of the over 60's have had regrets that they weren't reckless enough in their youth

The stereotypical image of the older generation is dead and buried – because modern pensioners believe bingo and knitting is 'boring', it emerged yesterday.
Researchers discovered the current golden generation are turning their backs on traditional pastimes such as flower arranging, bowls and stamp collecting.
More than half of over 60's polled have an adventurous streak that rules out such activities as jigsaws, coin collecting and bridge.
The report found modern older people are more likely to use their spare time to holiday abroad, watch reality TV, and take part in exercise classes such as Zumba and salsa and enjoy pampering days.

The study of 2,000 people, which was commissioned by Sky TV to mark the launch of new show 50 Ways To Kill Your Mammy, examined the changing behaviours of those 60 and over and found nearly half would love to explore Australia while four in ten dream of experiencing life in India.
The show itself sees Irish presenter Baz Ashmawy take his beloved 71-year-old mother Nancy on an unforgettable trip around the world designed to test her mettle with a number of exhilarating and, at times, terrifying challenges.
The study also quizzed people under 35 to compare perceptions and found the traditional image of older people is changing – seven in ten thought people over 60 are increasingly active.
In fact, one in five said their grandparents had a better social life than they do themselves, it emerged.
It seems the roles may even be reversing – six in ten young people said they felt tired very regularly in their day to day routine while a further 45 per cent didn't think they were making the most of their life.
The study also found nearly half of people over 60 find the term 'OAP' or 'aged' as offensive and feel it implies that they are weak and feeble.
More than thirty per cent of those polled reached a certain age where they vowed to live more adventurously.
Over half of the over 60's had regrets that they weren't reckless enough in their youth and were aiming to make up for this now.
The biggest barriers to not making more of experiences in the past were 'worrying too much about what others think.'
Topping the poll of most admired celebrities over 60 was Dame Judi Dench, closely followed by Helen Mirren, Joanna Lumley, Julie Walters and Sir David Attenborough.
Helen Mirren's recent bikini confidence was also a source of inspiration with nearly half saying they would follow suit if they had her body. Seven in ten felt excluded from living more adventurously feeling there aren't enough activities aimed at people their age and that certain things weren't seen as acceptable for them to try.
The average person polled actually feeling at least 10 years younger than their actual age.


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