Recycled potato peelings could be used to create crisp packets within 18 months

Crisps giant chips in with plan to recycle potato peeling to create new packets

Recycled potato peelings could be used to create crisp packets within 18 months, the UK's largest crisp manufacturer said today. Richard Evans, president of PepsiCo UK and Ireland, which owns Walkers, said the company is looking at a number of ways of making more environmentally friendly packets for crisps.
The development of crisp bags made out of cellulose from wood pulp had created 'crackly' bags that would potentially put off consumers but the company is looking at using old peelings for packaging.
Snack man: Gary Lineker has starred in TV adverts for Walkers crisps since the late 1990s. Walkers' owner PepsiCo is planning to use recycled potato peelings to create crisp packets
Mr Evans told BBC Radio 4's Today programme: 'More interestingly, imagine making a crisp packet out of potato peelings.
'In reality, if you think about starch - and you know how sticky starch is - if you could mass it together you could create a layer of starch and stabilise that.
'We could use the peelings we have, that today go to animal feed and other recycling uses, to be turned into a crisp packets.'
Packets made out of peelings could be used for some of Walker's smaller brands within 18 months.
Based in Leicester, Walkers has 16 ranges of crisps including Doritos and Quavers.
The company makes ten million bags of crisps each day and is worth around £436million. About ten million British people consume one of its product every day


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