If you spend time in hotel bedrooms away from your family you have got to watch this

 "It's a five star video worthy of any B2C TV campaign" Swisscom  :  Connectedhotel.tv

Watch the new Bedtime Story from Swisscom.

If you spend time in hotel bedrooms away from your family you have got to watch this. In fact it is so good everyone should enjoy it.

Arndt Mielisch, Communication Manager at Swisscom Hospitality Services said they "wanted to break with tradition" when they created a new series of videos for their ConnectedHotel TV business.

Denis Sheehan the publisher of Hospitality and Catering News and I were both struck by the fact that althrough the videos are intended for a B2B audience their quality is so good that they would more than grace a B2C situation. Denis commented " It's a five star video worthy of any B2C TV campaign".

Arndt summed it up very well with this quote - "We wanted our new marketing to be different and this series was planned to have a human touch right up front - it works well".  He also made a point of saying credit must go to Rareform Branding, the London-based agency who implemented it so well.


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